Have you heard? You can get great apples from Kirby's this winter. Even while the snow is piling up, and that last Mac in your fridge is too soft to eat, we're pulling bins of crunchy apples out of CA storage each month! We think that if you live in WNY, you should be able to get your hands on a good apple when you want one.
We're opening the market for one afternoon in January, February, March, and April, just for apple pickups. If you missed the January pick-up, don't worry, February 18th will be here before you know it.
Be sure to place your order one week prior to the pickup date.
To Order: Send us an email with the name of the person picking up, your phone number, and your order.
Pay for your order when you pick up, cash or charge. Prices, pick up days and times are listed here.
The first time apples have ever been sold at Kirby's in January! I'm pretty excited. You can get decent apples at the grocery store, but they're so expensive. And even though they're good, they're still not as good as CA (Controlled Atmosphere) apples. The high quality apples that come out of Controlled Atmosphere storage rooms are the reason we decided to try this venture. After the room is sealed, all of the oxygen is removed, keeping the apples from deteriorating. When you take a bite, they're juicy and crisp as the day they were put away in storage. Pretty amazing!
In February we'll both Cortland and Empire available. Cortland are great for pies, sauce, baking, and they're pretty good for eating fresh too! I'm looking forward to a nice warm apple crisp, yum.
(If you did order apples in January, you'll notice our ordering process is a little different. We discovered a few hang-ups with the online software we were using, so we decided to go with email and good old fashioned cash!)